78MPR is dedicated to assisting patients reach a lifetime of optimal oral health. With us, you have direct access to qualified, experienced dental hygienists who play a key role in helping the prevention and treatment of gum disease, whilst leaving you with a fresh, clean smile.

  • Warm Water
  • No Sensitivity
  • Gentle, Efficient Cleaning

“I was so relaxed, I fell asleep!”


A Spa-Like, Pain Free Approach to Dental Hygiene 

GBT is a modern and advanced approach to dental hygiene that uses cutting-edge technology and techniques to remove dental plaque and other harmful biofilms from the teeth and gums. It is a highly effective treatment that not only helps to prevent dental diseases such as cavities and gum disease, but also improves the overall health and appearance of your teeth and gums.

Our experienced hygienists use state-of-the-art equipment and materials to perform GBT procedures. This includes using advanced ultrasound instruments and air-polishing systems that allow your hygiene treatment to be carried out in the least invasive way, with the highest level of comfort, safety and efficiency. 

You will feel the benefits and see results in just one session! 

Your hygienist will engage you in the treatment process with our 8 point protocol and dye solution, helping you to understand the extent of the treatment carried out.  

Enjoy a spa-like experience by selecting your very own water temperature with 5 levels to choose from, between unheated, 25°C, 30°C, 35°C and 40°; ideal for children and sensitive patients. 

Our Approach

GBT, A True Wellness Experience


Your mouth is an intricate ecosystem, teeming with a diverse array of microorganisms that play a crucial role in your oral health. At 78MPR, we believe that understanding and nurturing your oral health, is the cornerstone for a healthier life.

The microbiome in your mouth comprises a vast community of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microorganisms. Contrary to the common belief that all bacteria are harmful, this ecosystem consists of both beneficial and harmful microorganisms, all coexisting in a delicate balance. However, where there is an imbalance of oral microbiome and there is more bad bacteria than good, problems can occur, and not just for your oral health, but for the rest of your body. An imbalance in this ecosystem can lead to various oral health issues, including cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. Moreover, research has unveiled links between oral health and systemic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s. Rest assured, Guided Biofilm Therapy limits these links with careful removal of biofilm and bacteria of the mouth.

By becoming a part of our community, our holistic approach to oral health care and understanding your oral ecosystem, is at the heart of everything we do.



GBT enables you to enjoy natural teeth and implants for much longer.



Orthodontic appliances increase biofilm growth in areas not accessible by daily brushing and traditional prophylaxis. Biofilm creates wire friction, gingivitis and caries. AIRFLOW® with PLUS Powder removes biofilm with full access to critical areas. Safe and effective on teeth and brackets, it prevents caries and hyperplasia.



Biofilm is not always visible to the naked eye. Disclosing biofilm helps to remove all biofilm. GBT prevents caries and gum disease in children and adults. No biofilm = No caries.



Remove exposed biofilm on dentine with Airflow & GBT. GBT is the only protocol which guarantees minimal invasiveness through direct visual control. GBT’s heated water system provides maximum comfort and minimal sensitivity.

Hygiene Packages



A comprehensive, deep clean using advanced EMS Airflow (Guided Biofilm Therapy) technology, tackling all finer areas & stains for a sparkling finish

Price: £140.00
Up to 60 Minutes

Children under 16

A healthier smile using advanced Airflow technology

Healthy teeth & gums start from a young age – with us, acclimatising children to have good oral hygiene for the rest of their lives is our priority.

Price: £75.00
Up to 30 Minutes

+ application of fluoride varnish to protect teeth from dental decay (+£30.00)