We understand that dental health is important at every stage of life, and our team of paediatric dentists are here to help your child achieve optimal oral health.

Our clinic is designed to provide a welcoming and comfortable environment for children, with colourful décor, child-friendly furnishings, and plenty of toys and games to keep them entertained. Our team of dentists are trained and experienced in working with children, and we strive to make every visit to our clinic a positive experience for both parents and children.

We offer a wide range of paediatric dental services, including routine check-ups, cleanings, fluoride treatments, and dental sealants. We also provide restorative treatments such as fillings and crowns, as well as orthodontic treatments such as fixed braces and Invisalign. For advanced or more complex dental needs, an internal referral to our specialist paediatric dentist, Dr Mohsin Chaudhary may be advised. 

Our team understands that every child is unique, which is why we take the time to get to know your child and their specific needs and concerns. We work closely with parents to develop a personalised treatment plan that is tailored to your child’s individual needs and goals.


Prevention is key to maintaining good oral health, which is why we place a strong emphasis on education and preventative care. We work with parents to teach their children good oral hygiene and healthy dietary habits that will help to prevent dental issues from arising in the first place. What’s more, we make this process fun so that visiting the dentist can be a calm and enjoyable process for the whole family!


Visiting the dentist can be a daunting experience for children, which is why we have designed a dedicated, paediatric dental suite to create a welcoming and comfortable environment that is tailored to their needs.

Our suite is specifically designed to be child-friendly, with colourful and calming decor, comfortable furnishings, and a range of toys, games (and Netflix), to keep children entertained while they wait, or in the chair. 

We believe visiting the dentist can be fun, informative and educational, which helps to set the stage for a lifetime of good oral health.


Many children are fearful or nervous when they first go to the dentist, or they may be very anxious following a previous medical or dental experience. Our paediatric team understand these fears and concerns, and have many years of experience in providing dental care to children of all ages, in the most compassionate and comfortable manner possible.

Our team of experienced dentists and staff members are trained to work with nervous children, using gentle and reassuring techniques to help them feel at ease. We take the time to get to know your child and understand their concerns and anxieties, and we work with parents to develop a personalised treatment plan that is tailored to their child’s unique needs.

We offer a variety of techniques to help nervous children feel more comfortable during their visit. This may include using positive language, distracting techniques such as watching a movie or listening to music, or providing nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to help calm anxiety. Our goal is to create a safe and welcoming environment for children of all ages. We believe that by educating children and their parents about the importance of good oral health, we can help to alleviate fears and anxieties about dental visits.


We recommend a first visit at one year old, or as soon as their first teeth erupt into the mouth. Early preventive advice can help establish good dental habits and dietary practices and so keep your child’s teeth healthy and prevent cavities or the need for more complex treatment in the future.

If your child is under the care of a medical specialist, you should see a paediatric dentist to reduce the risk of having any dental problems which may arise as a result of their condition, or may impair their health.

We are here to help your child achieve optimal oral health